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Examples of Typical Costs of Emergency Room vs. Urgent Care

The proper usage of Urgent Care saves the Participant time and money, and it also helps the Plan stay financially healthy.

In the examples below, not only does the Participant save money by the proper use of Urgent Care, but doing so also saves the Plan thousands of dollars.

Urinary Tract Infection (PPO Provider)

Facility Billed Amount Patient Paid
Emergency Room* $14,763.48 $161.94
Urgent Care $170.00 $15.59

* Patient Paid includes an Emergency Room copay of $50

Bronchitis (PPO Provider)

Facility Billed Amount Patient Paid
Emergency Room* $4,934.87 $156.82
Urgent Care $355.00 $32.53

* Patient Paid includes an Emergency Room copay of $50

Allergy (Single Patient)

Bill Type Billed Amount Patient Paid
Emergency Room* $1,781.00 $127.25
Ambulance $1,404.50 $280.90

* Patient Paid includes an Emergency Room copay of $50